Block "187" not found


The easiest way to get to the slopes from the Helsinki area is to take a ski bus. Messilä Ski Express offers transportation from Helsinki to Messilä Ski Center and back.

  • Pre-registration for the bus is required.
  • The bus runs on Saturdays (from January 4th onwards) and on week 8 from Thursday till Saturday.
  • Pre-registration is obligatory and it must be made by Friday, 12.00 pm, on the week of the trip.
  • Sign up for the transportation can be made here.
  • Please fill all the required information on the form. (NOTE! Every passenger needs to fill their own form.)
  • The ticket can be paid to driver with CASH ONLY.
  • The route will be run if there are a minimum of 20 passengers.
  • Ski bus is not operating on Sundays.

Inquiries between 8.00 am and 4.00 pm on weekdays p. +358 29 170 0120

Sign up for the transportation can be made here.


Prices, Bus Stops and Timetables

Ski pass and two-way bus ticket 55 € / person.
One-way ticket without a ski pass 20 € / person.

Disposable keycard is included in the price.

Bus stop Departure Arrival
Iso Omena shopping center, Espoo: Piispanaukio bus stop E31118.3019.25
Eteläinen Rautatienkatu 10, Autotalo parking lot8.4519.15
Turunlinnantie 16,
bus stop outside of Tallinn Square
Tikkurila station
(in front of the Hotel Vantaa)
Mäntsälä bus station, Yhdystie 110.2518.15

Group Transport

Group transport needs to be reserved in advance via email or by calling +358 29 170 0120